Monday, September 7, 2009


More fallout from the Daily Mail story that came out this weekend. They reported that British officials struck back at the Obama administration, saying that the outrage displayed over the release of the Lockerbie Pan Am bomber by the likes of Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Clinton was 'disingenuous'.

Someone is lying and I never bet against Hillary Clinton if she's involved.

The DAILY MAIL reports that British officials are accusing the Obama administration of manufacturing outrage in response to real outrage and believes they are being thrown under the bus as a result (This White House? Nawww).

Keeping the Mail's report in mind, take a look at both Eric 'America is a nation of cowards' Holder and Hillary Clinton feign righteous indignation after it became public that Abdelbaset Al Megrahi would be released.

I reported on this story EARLIER.

h/t to GATEWAY PUNDIT for the video link.

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