Friday, October 2, 2009


In light of everything that's happened since Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was removed from office on June 28th, it's really not surprising that John Kerry (D-MA) is trying to prevent Jim DeMint (R-SC) from traveling to Honduras.

The WASHINGTON POST reports that:
A simmering feud over U.S. policy toward Latin America burst into the open Thursday when Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) tried to prevent a fact-finding trip to Honduras by a Republican senator who is blocking two important diplomatic appointments.

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) denounced Kerry's move on the Senate floor and sought the intervention of the minority leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). The Republican leader appealed to the Defense Department to provide an aircraft for DeMint's trip and the Pentagon agreed to do so, according to the South Carolina senator's office.

"These bullying tactics by the Obama administration and Senator Kerry must stop, and we must be allowed to get to the truth in Honduras," DeMint said in a statement. His spokesman, Wesley Denton, called Kerry's action "unprecedented."
The Obama administration's stance that Zelaya was illegally removed is becoming an increasingly embarassing one.

I find it interesting that the oh, so idealistic and holier-than-thou liberal John Kerry, who invoked the name Genghis Kahn upon his return from Vietnam is on the side of a policy that is calling for the reinstatement of a would-be tyrannical dictator. A man who appears to be an anti-semite in addition to being best buds with Hugo Chavez, who is more than a little cozy with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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