Monday, October 19, 2009


It appears more video of the White House communications director who turns to Mao Tse Tung for philosophical guidance, Anita Dunn has surfaced. Here she is from January, 2009 talking about how the Obama campaign wanted to "(make) the media cover what Obama was actually saying" and "making the press cover what we were saying".

Also take note of her reference to the David Plouffe videos. She admits the focus was to "make" the press write what Plouffe said on a video as opposed to letting Plouffe do an interview.

Effective? Obviously. Obama was elected.

Ethical? Hardly. It clearly shows a campaign that wasn't comfortable with itself or its message.

You would think that people within the media establishments would actually take offense to all of this, since Dunn is clearly saying that they were played.

But alas, the sense of shame within such outlets was extinguished long ago. Odds are good they wouldn't even recognize it if it bit them on their collective butts.

If there are any MSM journalists who have the ability to feel shame, they should watch this video.

This is where it gets really good. Keep in mind the whole notion that the Obama campaign wanted to control what the media reported by not responding to questions or granting interviews. Based on Anita Dunn's own words in the video above, the campaign wanted the media to be reactive while the campaign was continually on offense.

Enter Glenn Beck's "red phone", which was installed on his set the day after Anita Dunn told CNN that Fox News was an arm of the Republican Party.

This clip will quickly give you the answer to the question of whether the Obama campaign strategy with the media is effective as a White House strategy.

Dunn's love for Mao's philosophical guidance notwithstanding, Glenn Beck is embarassing her relentlessly, the White House by extension, and rightfully so.


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