Friday, October 9, 2009


I really do not understand why the Republican leadership (listen up Michael Steele) hasn't been absolutely hammering on this! The number of Democrats literally caught lying about their intentions when it comes to the public option is astounding. It's not even up for debate that's what they're doing either.

The latest lying scoundrel caught on tape is none other than Robert Reich, of Clinton administration fame. First up is Reich on Sept. 26, 2007 in front of a group at Berkeley. Video #2 is from last month. If I had to bet which one of the two videos posted below showed Reich at his most candid, it would be the first one. The second one is obviously his attempt to assuage anxieties of people who believe the Democrats want to do with health care what Reich is advocating in the first video.

Anyway, here's video #1:

Sounds like Mr. Reich is advocating death panels there, isn't he? Considering he's getting up there in years, I bet he's filed for an exemption if he has that attitude.

Now check out the more comforting Robert Reich who's there to assure you that the public option is nothing to fear. It is your friend as long as you don't watch Video #1.

Video #2:

Note: Hey Robert, if you're going to insist on carrying a head of hair, you could at least take care of it.

To see more videos from the growing list of Democrat liars on health care, I posted them HERE, HERE, and HERE.

h/t to VERUM SERUM who's done it again!

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