Saturday, October 17, 2009


You know it's gotten bad when conservatives who normally roll their eyes at the points made by Juan Williams suddenly find themselves in the position of having to defend him against racists like Warren Ballantine who love to play the game of, "Heads I win, tails you lose".

Translation? If you agree with him, he's right. If you disagree with him, you're wrong.

Utterly pathetic that it's fallen to this level. So many thanks must go to our post-racial president.

In the first exchange (Thursday), O'Reilly does some excellent work by stepping back and letting Ballantine and Williams debate the point. Sure enough, Ballantine hangs himself with his last comment which comes out of the mouth of the defeated. Williams cornered Ballantine who instinctively went for the uncle Tom reference by telling Williams to "go back to the porch".

CLICK HERE to watch what led to Juan's irritation.

So on Friday, Juan Williams fills in for O'Reilly and it's obvious rather quickly that Ballantine's comments have stewed in Juan's pot a bit. Williams is visibly agitated. One of his guests is Ken Hutcherson, a former NFL player and friend of Rush Limbaugh, who lets Williams know that he's "been there, done that". Sensing Williams' anger, Hutcherson takes that ball and runs with it.

As Bruce Willis said in Die Hard, "Welcome to the party, Pal", Hutherson does the same thing with Williams.

The good news?

Ballantine may have hacked off the Juan Williams Hornets' nest.


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