Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This one introduces an entirely new dimension to all of these stings. Let's see, first Washington, D.C. then Baltimore, the Bronx, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and now Philadelphia.

Frankly, what was caught on tape in Philly is no more outlandish than the others that have been released. The new element introduced here is the juxtaposition of what was caught on tape with what ACORN officials, including the woman in this video, said about the visit.

The woman in the video is Katherine Conway Russell and as is clearly apparent, she behaved very similarly to the ACORN reps in the other videos - willing to help a prostitute. The problem is that when the ACORN sting videos made the news, Russell along with ACORN Executive Bertha Lewis and others went on television saying that the reason the Philadelphia sting video isn't being shown is because O'Keefe and Giles weren't successful and were quickly ushered out of the building.

That is NOT what this video shows.

Caveat: You will notice that the audio of Katherine speaking is absent until the video stops due to a dead battery. I'm assuming the reason for this is a legal one. Then again, perhaps to increase the tease factor.

h/t to H4A

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