Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Yes, Campbell Brown gets Valerie Jarrett to step out of her chair and do that funky backward dance. Well, not exactly but she does walk back very quickly when Campbell Brown asks Jarrett if MSNBC is biased after getting Jarrett to admit that Fox is biased. In fact, it may just be the walk back of the year.

What on earth would cause CNN to entrap the other half of Obama's brain? We could be witnessing the beginnning of an internal battle between the leftwing media. Pride is a very powerful thing and CNN's ratings are cratering. In fact, as their promos tout them being the most watched cable news network, they're actually in the basement looking up at, of all things, their sister network Headline News which airs re-runs all day.

Meanwhile, Keith Olbermann at MSNBC is airing promos saying that because Fox is no longer a news outlet, the race for #1 is among all of the remaining networks. During and after the promo, Olbermann gloats about how CNN and Headline news are being left in MSNBC's dust.

My guess is CNN doesn't like this one bit and it was manifested in this interview of Jarrett by Campbell Brown, who deserves high marks for the questioning.

Something else caught my eye too. We all know how much the left detests Sarah Palin. Putting Valerie Jarrett in that camp is a very safe bet.

Is it me or has Valerie Jarrett decided that she likes the eyeglass frames that Palin wears?

CLICK HERE to watch video.

h/t to H4A

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