Thursday, October 1, 2009


I guess the Washington Post's Ezra Klein simply couldn't help himself. He was caught red-handed admitting that the Public Option in Obamacare is a trojan horse for single payer (government run healthcare) on a video from July of 2008. While on a panel, he admitted that the plan was "sneaky" and that even though its architects couldn't admit it publicly, Klein would.

Klein is one of those leftists with a big vocabulary who lacks the ability to understand where money comes from. These people are truly astounding.

First, as a refresher, watch this short clip from August and look for the segment that includes Ezra Klein.

Now, to flesh out Ezra Klein's position, watch this video and listen for his reference to a "sneaky strategy" at the end.

This video actually prompted a response from Klein, who had engaged both VERUM SERUM and Ed Morissey at Hot Air, who got into an interesting debate with Klein after POSTING THIS. Here is an excerpt of Klein's response to the claim that he advocates a "sneaky" strategy (as the video clearly indicates):
Actually, that’s not my view unless the public plan can use Medicare bargaining rates. But put that aside. Conservatives have an Underpants Gnomes-theory of how liberals mean to achieve single payer. It looks something like this:

1) With 60 votes in the Senate and a hugely popular new president, Democrats labor to reform the health-care system and manage, barely, to create a public insurance option by promising up-and-down that it wouldn’t have any government-provided advantages over private health insurance plans. This is about competition, they swear.

2) ????

3) The United States Senate votes to outlaw private health insurance.

I really don’t understand it. Morrissey isn’t wrong to say that many liberals would like a single-payer system. But there is nothing in Barack Obama’s plan that would enact such a thing and nothing in the political jockeying we’ve seen thus far that should make anybody think such a thing is possible.
Pure gibberish. Medicare bargaining rates?

Hey Ezra, how about allowing insurance companies to work in ALL STATES? This would necessarily drive down the cost of health care because it would create competition that you claim to champion (when you're not speaking of "sneaky" strategies).

The best thing Klein could do is come forward, admit that he's been busted, start arguing for what he truly believes, and stop being an advocate for "sneaky" things.

Again, the left simply doesn't understand where money comes from.

Be sure to read the WHOLE PIECE at Verum Serum (and follow the links to watch the back and forth between Klein and Morissey).

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