Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yes, the Secretary of Logic, Lynn Woolley will be taking the day off and leaving Studio "L" in Barrack's hands from 8am-11am CST on Friday, the 27th. Joining me on the show will be Ted Shoebat, author of "For God or For Tyranny" and John Ziegler, a conservative who has been fighting media bias and defending Sarah Palin in the process. His latest work is a film called, "Media Malpractice".

The best way to get the show would be to go to my HOMEPAGE and click on the button to the left that looks like this:

Remember, the show doesn't actually start until 8:05am CST.

If that doesn't work, you can always go to Lynn's BE LOGICAL site and click the 'Listen Live' link. Then again, if you'd like a podcast, just go to the show archives page a little later and download the entire show, free of commercials.

Or, as will be the case with most, don't read this post and don't pay any of this any attention.

Remember, visit the HOME PAGE

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