Sunday, November 22, 2009


I don't know what's more disturbing - the fact that if Matthews actually DID interview Nidal Malik Hasan, this is probably exactly how it would go OR that there are so many Americans stricken with Stockholm Syndrome (a disorder in which hostages align with their hostage-taker as a survival technique). A consequence of SS is the shared enemy of the hostage-takers and their hostages becomes entities who are trying to help the hostages.

Clearly, Matthews is easily diagnosed. Political correctness is the Hostage-taker and Matthews is fully entrusted with doing its dirty work. Another symptom of someone with SS is that they realize their behavior is out of whack but at the time they're engaged in it, it seems relatively normal. Only after they snap out of it, do they look back and realize how wrong they were.

I'm not holding my breath that Matthews will regret the "leg thrill" anytime soon but he should really try to watch this interview with an objective eye. That said, his giving Hasan the benefit of the doubt in this interview by suggesting he yelled, "All of you to the snack bar" instead of "Allahu Akhbar" says it all.

Chris, there really are people out there who are trying to help you!

CLICK HERE to see the interview.

h/t to JAWA

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