Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Let's get this straight. The FBI has severed ties with the unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Yet, Attorney General Eric Holder will be giving the keynote speech at an event that includes CAIR.

POLITICO reports:
On Nov. 19, Holder is scheduled to speak in Detroit to the first annual awards banquet of Advocates and Leaders for Police and Community Trust, a coalition of several dozen law enforcement and community groups. An online registration form for the event includes the Council on American Islamic Relations-Michigan on a list of “official & participating organizations.”

A spokeswoman for ALPACT confirmed that CAIR is a member of the coalition.
Adding additional cause for head-scratching on this one is what happened in Detroit just last month as the FBI killed an Imam during a raid that showed some disturbing links between one of that Imam's followers and CAIR. In addition to that, the spiritual leader of the Imam that was killed, Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, is locked up in prison and serving a life sentence for killing a cop.

Turns out that CAIR has been funding Al-Amin's appeals. In fact, WND reported on October 29th that it had obtained a letter from Al-Amin's wife that she wrote to CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad:
Attorney Karima Al-Amin wrote:

As-salaamu alaikum:

On behalf of the Justice Fund, we extend appreciation to you and CAIR for the additional contribution of $9,000.00 to be used for legal expenses relative to Imam Jamil Al-Amin's case. The contribution particularly was needed to defray the cost of the recent habeas hearing held in Reidsville, Georgia. We certainly were delighted that you responded to our request in a timely manner.

As always, Imam Jamil sends his greetings and appreciation for the assistance.


Karima Al-Amin
Attorney at Law
Be sure to read the entire WND article by Art Moore. In light of Holder speaking at an event that not only includes CAIR but is in Detroit, MI of all places really is inexplicable.

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