Monday, November 30, 2009


As Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee granted clemency to Maurice Clemmons, the man accused of killing four uniformed police officers in Washington state on 11/29/09 in a coffee shop. Clemmons was sentenced to 35 years in the early 90's for armed robbery and theft yet Huckabee let him go after 10 years. Recently, Clemmons was jailed for the the rape of a child.

What's most disturbing about Huckabee in this instance is not just that he let Clemmons free. It's that he has a very long history of setting prisoners free.

Michelle Malkin has probably done the best job of putting it ALL TOGETHER.

She posts multiple links to some of the Arkansas Leader articles on the subject.

THIS ONE is about Arkansas prosecutors expressing displeasure with the former Governor.

Or how about THIS ONE, which shows that Arkansas under Huckabee had more clemencies than six of its surrounding states combined.

HERE, the Leader has a piece calling for Huckabee to be held accountable for his shameful record in this area.

If ever there was an example for conservatives to set when it comes to party loyalty, this is it. Instead of defending Huckabee because he's a Republican, conservatives should show the highly partisan left that they will not play their game and diffuse their own cognitive dissonance with absurd rationalizations. Huckabee's political career is likely over because of this and it should be.


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