Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This says a lot. It is very revealing on two levels. Level 1: this liberal at the Guardian, George Monbiot, is pained to admit it but says the CRU emails are very damaging. That alone speaks volumes about the overwhelming veracity of the evidence. But in true liberal fashion, admissions of guilt and being wrong are simply too much to bear.

That leads us to the second level of astonishment. Level 2: Monbiot decides to downplay the conspiracy talk and any "gotcha" claims by man-made global warming skeptics by crafting a fictitious email and pointing to it as an example of something that would finally convince him.
...do these revelations justify the sceptics' claims that this is "the final nail in the coffin" of global warming theory? Not at all. They damage the credibility of three or four scientists. They raise questions about the integrity of one or perhaps two out of several hundred lines of evidence. To bury man-made climate change, a far wider conspiracy would have to be revealed. Luckily for the sceptics, and to my intense disappointment, I have now been passed the damning email that confirms that the entire science of global warming is indeed a scam. Had I known that it was this easy to rig the evidence, I wouldn't have wasted years of my life promoting a bogus discipline. In the interests of open discourse, I feel obliged to reproduce it here.
Wow. Confession and humility would be nice. Instead, Monbiot actually decides to first concede what is undeniable and then appears completely unable to process the sham he has bought. Rather than let the anger humble him, he somehow finds a way to re-channel it back to the same folks who tried to help him by seeking the truth about Global Warming - it's a FRAUD.

Amazing to watch someone actually write a fictitious email and then claim that such an email would be the only thing that would make him admit he was duped. Rather than read the more than 1000 real emails available, Monbiot writes and publishes one that doesn't exist and holds it up as a reason why he won't admit the truth. Ironically, Monbiot still ends up angry at himself while taking a slap at the skeptics by living vicariously through some person that doesn't exist.

Be sure to read MONBIOT'S fake email.

h/t to HA

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