Monday, November 9, 2009


In an effort not to appear completely negative in this post, I will say one thing positive about Casey. He did answer the question about why two soldiers were arrested in addition to Hasan. They were seen running and appeared to be running from police. In reality, they were running from the scene.

Ok, I'm done being nice. General George Casey's display on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopolous would have made Neville Chamberlain blush. To view the truly shameless display, fast forward to the 4:00 mark and watch Casey express concern about "backlash against our Muslim soldiers".

It doesn't get much more pathetic than this. Unless, of course, you're talking about such drivel coming out of the mouth of the man in charge of the entire U.S. Army.

For a contrast to General Casey, please view the Warrior Song video at the bottom of the homepage as it's the video of the week. You will hear from General Patton in that video and when you do, ask yourself what Patton would think of Casey.

Despicable, General Casey.


CLICK HERE for the video.

h/t to FR

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