Wednesday, November 25, 2009


More fallout from the CRU emails from East Anglia University - or should I say lack of fallout? In reality, this should be the biggest scandal since we started counting centuries with double digits. I heard a caller in to Rush's show yesterday liken it to 1492 when Columbus proved the earth was round. Yet the fallout here is in what's NOT being said and from whom.

Glenn Beck excoriates the media and points out that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC have all reported on this huge story a grand total of ZERO times.

If you didn't understand why this scandal is not being covered, it would be enough to have you institutionalized. However, take a look at some of the people appearing at Obama's state dinner this week.

Representing CBS: Katie Couric..

ABC's Robin Roberts...

NBC's most dapper Obama sycophant, Brian Williams...

And of course, the CEO of MSNBC parent company (General Electric) Jeffrey Immelt, who may just be one of the most despicable human beings exhaling CO2.

Obama has been right there with Al Gore virtually every step of the way in supporting this massive fraud. Proof is coming out that a plan so diabolical has been in the works for years and the media's silence can only point to their complicity in perpetrating it.

h/t to HAP

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