Wednesday, November 18, 2009


If Lindsey Graham's actions matched his rhetorical skills, I'd definitely feel more passionate about supporting him in this exchange. I have a problem getting behind a Senator who is justifiably grilling a guy like Holder when that Senator is in support of Cap & Trade legislation while also being known as Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty.

That said, looking strictly at this exchange, Graham has Holder in a pickle. If Khalid Sheikh Mohammad is going to be tried in Federal court, he is entitled to Miranda rights - rights he wasn't awarded. The logical follow-up for Graham is whether or not bin Laden should be mirandized if he were captured tomorrow. The fact that Holder can't answer that question sufficiently boxes him in.

Holder is building quite the resume for himself.

1.) Marc Rich pardon
2.) Pardoning of FALN terrorists
3.) Pardoning 2 members of Weather Underground
4.) Partner at Covington Burling, a firm that represented Gitmo detainees
5.) Opening the door for CIA prosecutions
6.) Charges dropped against Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philadelphia
7.) Trying KSM in NYC

If you need help identifying the most absurd positions Holder is taking, check out the guy sitting behind Graham. His facial expressions will tell you.

h/t to JAWA

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