Sunday, November 1, 2009


On Wednesday, the FBI raided a mosque in Detroit and had to kill the imam who apparently wasn't willing to go quietly. What's more is that the complaint filed by the FBI prior to the raid seems to show a tight relationship between CAIR and some nefarious forces. Even Minnesota congressman KETH ELLISON, who has clear ties with CAIR couldn't remain silent.

For more information about the connections between the imam in Detroit and a convicted cop killer who has the support of CAIR, CLICK HERE.

Now there are Muslims in Detroit who seem to be trying to bully, intimidate, and establish "no-go" zones for sane human beings. Check out the video below as it shows a cameraman assaulted by a man in baggy pants. Note what the cameraman says about having covered stories for many years and basically said the Black Panthers got nothin' on these derelicts.

It's not like Europe didn't warn us.

h/t to JAWA

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