Wednesday, December 9, 2009


For those who thought Hillary would have been better than Barack, may I suggest she simply would have been more cunning as she's known how Washington, D.C. works better than Obama did. Both Hillary and Barack revered Saul Alinsky, both hail from Chicago, and both apparently enjoy the Chicago way.

Mark Penn, Hillary's 2008 pollster heads two businesses that received nearly $6 million of the $787 Billion stimulus bill according to THE HILL.
Nearly $6 million in stimulus money was paid to two firms run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s pollster in 2008.

Federal records show that $5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus helped preserve three jobs at Burson-Marsteller, the global public-relations and communications firm headed by Penn.
Sounds "Shovel-ready" to me.

h/t to DRUDGE

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