Sunday, December 27, 2009


The unmitigated gall is palpable. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano actually said that the reason Northwest flight 253 didn't blow up was because "the system worked". Uh, not so much. The reason flight 253 didn't explode was that a Muslim's chemical concoction didn't blow up as advertised. Couple that with the heroic efforts of a Dutch passenger in preventing the dirtbag from doing any further damage and you have your answer.

The system didn't work. Its blatant failures were overcome by the common man and perhaps the Grace of God. The arrogance of Napolitano in uttering those words just about takes the cake.

The White House, according to both Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins, has been stonewalling the Fort Hood shooting investigation. Now we learn that Hasan's Imam, al-Awlaki, may have had connections to the man who almost blew up Flight 253. If that turns out to be true and the passenger actually did succeed in vaporizing a commercial jetliner, perhaps not stonewalling Leiberman and Collins would have prevented it.

But alas, practically everything this administration says and does is backward.

Click HERE to see video.



  1. What a bunch of crap this administration is.

    Obama and his czars are a left-toting, liberal-speak joke. For the DHS to make such a ri-damn-diculous comment as "the system worked".

    For them to treat the public like we're a bunch of know-nothing jerks is beyond insulting.

    Sadly, there are the lefties out there that will trumpet the same words that Napolitano tried to claim. If for no other reason than b/c it's what he said.

    And the delay on trying Hasan for his act of treason is an act of sedition by our government in and of itself.

    The left is trying to destroy the country from the inside out.

  2. Oh yeah and Napolitano's other comments of:

    "I think it would be inappropriate to speculate as to whether he has such ties" (referring to the terrorist's claim of ties to al queda)

    ...then to go on and say:

    "We instituted new measures on the ground and at screening areas both here in the United States and in Europe where this flight originated." ... "So, the whole process went very smoothly."

    What a gross bucket of lies heeped on the American people.

    It's nice to see that there are some elected officials not 'taking the cheese' on this...

  3. Now ... it turns out there are more to come, according to the head of the Yemen branch of al queda:

    Turns out, his own father, concerned about Abdulmutallab's 'radicalization' reported him to the US Embassy in Nigeria saying that his "son could be a threat to America."

    According to that video, Brian Rossreported Abdulmutallab was on a terror watch list, but not a 'no-fly' list. The US Embassy, for whatever reason, did NOT revoke his US Visa.
