Monday, December 7, 2009


Based on what the EPA is saying, how else should we interpret this? If human beings exhale carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is now being considered a poisonous gas, human beings themselves are destroying the earth not because of anything they're doing but because of what they are - a carbon based life form that is viewed similarly to smokestacks that are polluting the air.

Here's the irony. Fewer humans equals less plant life, which is what the environmental movement claims to champion. The New York Times REPORTS:
The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday will complete its determination that greenhouse gases pose a danger to human health and the environment, paving the way for regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, power plants, factories refineries and other major sources.

The agency finding also will allow Mr. Obama to tell delegates at the United Nations climate change conference that began today in Copenhagen that the United States is moving aggressively to address the problem.
Address the problem? Remember all of those "kooks" who have been saying the environmental movement is really an agenda that is about population control?

They don't seem so kooky these days, DO THEY?

Watts Up With That links to a study at the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN that shows trees are flourishing as a result of all of this excess CO2.


So does this mean that the agenda of the EPA is actually one that involves extinguishing plant life?

h/t to WUWT

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