Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver, CO may have something in common with Mike Huckabee. Both decided to see a man go free that would be involved - either directly or indirectly - with multiple murders of people charged with protecting the citizens of this country. In Huckabee's case, it was granting clemency to a man named Maurice Clemmons, who would later execute four Seattle police officers.

In the case of the USAO in Denver, an arrest warrant for the radical Imam who provided spiritual counsel to Nidal Malik Hasan and who also met with at least two of the 9/11 hijackers was rescinded. The DENVER POST reports:
An arrest warrant for a radical Islamic cleric who has become an important figure in the Fort Hood shooting investigation was withdrawn in 2002 by the Colorado U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver — possibly preventing his prosecution years before one of his followers killed 13.

An arrest warrant was issued for Anwar al-Awlaki in 2002 on charges from Denver's federal court of making a false statement and passport fraud, court documents show. Those charges were withdrawn before al-Awlaki, who was living in Yemen, was served the arrest warrant.

When al-Awlaki passed through JFK airport in New York City in October 2002, he was briefly detained. But after authorities there saw that the federal warrant from Colorado had been withdrawn, they released him, according to ABC News.
al-Awlaki preaches Jihad and three of the 9/11 hijackers heard him do it. Instead of being identified as a soldier of one of America's enemies, a warrant is issued for him. After that warrant is rescinded, al-Awlaki flees to Yemen where his tentacles reach a major in the U.S. Army who ends up killing 14 people.

These are the consequences of not identifying a real enemy after a real enemy attacked us.

h/t to Michelle Malkin

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