Tuesday, December 22, 2009


We had Nidal Malik Hasan's attorney, John Galligan in studio L for the Lynn Woolley Show recently and his response to questions about how he could defend Hasan always came back to the Constitution (ok) and Galligan's desire for a fair trial (ok).

So why is he doing this?

According to the SF CHRONICLE:
An attorney for the man charged in the deadly shootings at Fort Hood says the Army has prohibited his client from praying in Arabic with his family.

Attorney John P. Galligan said police stopped a phone conversation between Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and his brother on Friday because it was not in English. Galligan told the San Antonio Express-News that police at Brooke Army Medical Center refused to let Hasan pray in Arabic.
Considering how Hasan committed an act of war in full view of hundreds of people, I fail to see how denying him from speaking in arabic puts a fair trial in jeopardy. Innocent people wrongfully jailed who can't post bail are denied rights legally. The same should apply here.

h/t to WND

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