Friday, December 4, 2009


Talk about a sales pitch! Before Allegory cancelled this grip and grin session in Copenhagen, the Washington TImes reported on it and pointed out what you too can get if you decide to fork over the carbon credits, er. I mean greenbacks. For $1209, participants could get a snack and shake hands with Allegory - preferably in that order as use of the lavatory's soap gets quite pricey from what I understand.

Quoting from the Danish tourism commission via the WASHINGTON TIMES:
"Tickets are available in different price ranges for the event. If you want it all, you can purchase a VIP ticket, where you get a chance to shake hands with Al Gore, get a copy of Our Choice and have your picture taken with him. The VIP event costs DKK 5,999 and includes drinks and a light snack."

"If you do not want to spend that much money, but still want to hear Al Gore speak about his latest book about climate challenges, you can purchase general tickets, ranging in price from DKK 199-1,499 depending on where in the room you want to sit," the practical Danes advise. "There will be large screens, so that everyone will get a good view."
Sounds like Allegory was all set to make out quite well. That is until Climategate hit. Unfortunately for those waiting with bated breath for the moment when they could take in Allegory's CO2 while touching him, he has cancelled.

Awwwww. However, I'm sure it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the biggest scandal to befall mankind. We're to ignore the head of the CRU, Phil Jones stepping aside - if only "temporarily" - and PSU professor Michael Mann being investigated by his university as evidence of an international conspiracy. Ok, I get that.

But now we're to believe that Allegory is canceling an event that would garner him so many easy carbon credits?

This was supposed to be the biggest event of his entire life and Allegory is saying the December 16th event is being canceled due to unforeseen changes in his schedule?


h/t to WUWT

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