Friday, December 11, 2009


Could be good news if Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch is right in his latest column. The FBI rightfully ended ties with CAIR last year. CAIR was named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, in which the defendants were found guilty of funneling money to terrorists.

One year after ending ties with CAIR, the FBI may actually be targeting them according to Spencer, who points to the book "Muslim Mafia" as being an integral part of proving CAIR'S true intentions.
As a result of the revelations in Muslim Mafia, Representatives Sue Myrick (R-NC) Trent Franks (R-AZ) Paul Broun (R-GA) and John Shadegg (R-AZ) wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, requesting that he "provide each Member of Congress a summary of the evidence and findings by the DOJ and FBI which led them to name CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism trial." Holder has not publicly complied, but CAIR is by no means out of the woods yet.

When Muslim Mafia hit bookstore shelves, CAIR did not deny any of its allegations, resorting instead to its tried-and-true tactic of shooting the messenger, defaming the Gaubatzes and Sperry as "hatemongers" and suing to recover the documents, claiming that the material had been stolen and even that Chris Gaubatz had trespassed on CAIR property.
Go figure - Eric Holder not forthcoming about CAIR? When you consider Holder's role in pardoning Marc Rich, two Weather Underground members, FALN terrorists it's not all that surprising is it? Let's not also forget dropping charges against the Black Panthers at the Philadelphia polling station, KSM trial in NYC, and prosecuting CIA agents over Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.

But I digress. Back to Spencer.
This investigation is long overdue. The respect and access CAIR has enjoyed from government and law enforcement agencies, as well as the mainstream media, has long been out of sync with its steadfast opposition to virtually every anti-terror measure that has been devised since 9/11; its assistance in an attempt to sue airline passengers who reported on suspicious activity by Muslims in an airport; and its relentless demonization of everyone who speaks honestly about the jihad threat in the U.S.

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