Monday, December 14, 2009


Yesterday, Obama found himself at a new low in the passion index at -19 (gap between those who strongly approve and disapprove of his performance). While he's at a -18 today in that index, he has achieved a new low when it comes to his overall performance. That number is now at 44% and all signs point to that slide continuing. It looks like the "at least somewhat approve" camp got a little crowded when a significant percentage of "strongly approvers" began showing up.

A consequence may have been that a contingent of "somewhat approvers" moved on down to the "somewhat disapprove" category. Keep an eye on this one. We may be witnessing the beginning of a serious shakeup in support for this president. The "strongly disapprove" camp appears to be the only that hasn't really seen a shift yet. However, if there's a number being watched closely by this president, it's that one. Of the four categories, it is one he definitely doesn't want to see grow.

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