Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Aaron Klein has uncovered a very disturbing reality with respect to Van Jones and this administration. He's Baaaaaaaaack. According to Klein, while Jones resigned from his position of Green Jobs czar, he's still in contact with the White House and influencing policy. Considering Jones' former position - and his love for marxism - relative to Climategate, this is very disturbing news indeed.

Remember this guy? Klein is reporting that he is now serving on the board of an organization that is influencing White House climate policy. Something tells me Van doesn't see anything wrong with the incriminating emails at the CRU either. According to Klein:
Van Jones, President Obama's controversial former "green jobs" czar, serves on the advisory board of an independent environmental organization actively working with the White House, WND has learned.

Jones resigned in September after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

Jones is one of 20 advisers to the University of Colorado–based Presidential Climate Action Project, or PCAP, which draws up climate-policy recommendations for the White House and has been working with members of the Obama administration.
Presidential Climate Action Project? Ain't it interesting that the acronym is one letter away from John Podesta's Center for American Progress (CAP), which accepted Jones back with open arms after his resignation as Green Jobs Czar?

You would think that in light of the more than 1000 emails from the CRU at East Anglia University being released and Climategate getting bigger by the day, this administration would attempt to distance itself from this type of controversy. As it is, Obama is still going to Copenhagen and the White House appears to continue consulting with a former employee that resigned in disgrace.

Read the WHOLE THING at World Net Daily.

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