Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Porfirio Lobo was the conservative candidate in Honduras and now he is that country's president-elect. It is important to realize that there is absolutely no way Lobo would be in this position if not for the courageousness of a man named Roberto Micheletti who was a member of the Liberal party.

To truly appreciate what Micheletti did is simply awe-inspiring. It is the quintessential David v. Goliath story. At one point, there were only two countries in the world that supported the ouster of Manuel Zelaya and subsequent installation of Micheletti on June 28th - Taiwan and Israel.

At many points along the way, Micheletti felt pressure to an extent most will never fully appreciate. At one point, his nephew was found murdered and there was rampant speculation that the murder was politically motivated.

Roberto Micheletti has exhibited a level of courage rarely seen in this day and age and he did so in the face of United Nations opposition, Organization of American States opposition, Obama opposition (which still exists), Hugo Chavez opposition, Castro brother opposition, Daniel Ortega opposition, and an annoyingly persistent ousted president Manuel Zelaya who snuck into the Brazilian embassy.

Yet, the Obama administration has hit rock bottom on this issue and continues to dig. After voters overwhelmingly turned out in Honduras to peacefully elect Lobo and say NO to socialism, Obama says the elections are not good enough when it comes to resolving the constitutional crisis in that country. VOA reports:
The U.S. State Department says Sunday's presidential election in Honduras was a significant, but insufficient step, to end to political crisis that began there in June with the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya. U.S. officials are stopping short of recognizing opposition candidate Porfirio Lobo as the country's next president.

The State Department says the Honduran election met international standards for fairness and transparency and it has commended Porfirio Lobo for what it termed an "ample victory".

But at the same time, it stopped short of formally recognizing Lobo as the country's next president and says Honduras must still take steps toward political reconciliation before it can emerge from the isolation brought by the June 28 ouster of President Zelaya.
Lobo has a very rocky runway ahead of him upon which he must launch a successful presidency when he takes office but the way was cleared by Micheletti who by all accounts, simply wants to handover the presidency and fade away.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to stomp its feet and cry foul.

h/t to FR

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