Thursday, December 10, 2009


If you needed further proof that Allegory's climate change movement is nothing other than paganism under the guise of science, here it is. Frankly, this may also be proof that climategate is starting to get to him. While roaming the halls of CNN with his book in tow, Allegory explains how his poem came to be and then reads it aloud for the viewers.

As Allegory reads the poem penned by himself from his book that features a photo of what the world will look like if we continue down our carbon-emitting path, despite the fact that a world where Cuba is underwater and Denver is not being a physical impossibility, one is struck by how truly insane this man is looking.

After watching him spout this garbage I began actually considering the possibility that he truly believes it. If he truly believes it, he's championing paganism. If not, he's a fraud. Either way, he's misleading a lot of people.

Now that we know that data was manipulated, we know man-made climate change is not proven. Therefore, those who are adamant that it is taking place are going on faith. Faith is something the followers of the one True God (Yahweh) are constantly derided for having.

Time for the climate change pagans to be derided a little bit.

h/t to GP

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