Friday, December 18, 2009


It appears that this Hadley Center for Climate Change angle is beginning to get extended play, beyond the initial reports of cherry-picking data. That cherry-picking is looking more and more suspicious. As a result, East Anglia is likely to get even more attention in the coming days in conjunction with Hadley.

At issue is Hadley's data collection process. Hadley is relied upon heavily for the proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). However, Russia's Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) is exposing Hadley in the same way that the release of the emails exposed East Anglia's CRU.

The Russian news agency, Ria Novosti, reports the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) revealed researchers with the Hadley Center in England "had probably tampered with Russian climate data." The Hadley Center is based at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia where thousands of e-mails were pirated from a server and published on the Internet in November. The e-mails implicate climate scientists in conspiracy to withhold and manipulate data to forward their environmentalist agenda.

The IEA says CRU researchers used data from only 25 percent of Russian meteorological stations, and those stations happened to be the ones with the warmest temperature readings. Temperatures reported by the remaining 75 percent showed no substantial warming during the last several decades. The press release reported, "The IEA believes that Russian meteorological-station data did not substantiate the anthropogenic (man-made) global warming theory." The Russian institute claimed CRU scientists tended to choose records from stations providing sporadic readings rather than those supplying uninterrupted observations. Their preference also tended toward stations in metropolitan areas where the urban heat effect influences warmer temperatures.
In both cases - East Anglia's CRU and Hadley - there is a Russian angle. The emails from UEA's CRU were released via a Russian server and Hadley's processes are being exposed by a Russian institute.

It is ironic indeed that Obama, a socialist mentored as a child by a man, Frank Marshall Davis, who had great affinity for the Soviet Union, is finding Russia to be involved as a significant player in this scandal. Russian Television continues to follow this story.

1 comment:

  1. ". . . Obama, a socialist mentored as a child by a man, Frank Marshall Davis . . ."?

    Why do you post that Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis? Because conservative firebrand Cliff Kincaid said so? "Dreams From My Father" belies that claim.

    Although Obama's book indicates "Frank" was a family friend who offered him advice on racial issues, Obama wrote that Davis "fell short" and his views were "incurable." Obama did not even visit Davis for three years before going to college. Obama's book, itself, proves that Obama did not consider Davis to be a "wise and trusted counselor," which is the definition of "mentor." By what creative definition can Davis be considered his "mentor"?
