Saturday, December 26, 2009


After Nidal Malik Hasan gunned down nearly 50 people on November 5th, there was a reticence on the part of newscasters to say his name even though it was very obvious who he was. One exchange in particular involved Shepard Smith of Fox News with Senator Kay Bailey Hutcihson. That exchange is at the bottom of this post.

Here we have a very similar phenomenon in the form of CNN anchor Ali Velshi telling Rep. Peter King (R-NY) that his network was not prepared to utter the name Abdul Mudallad, the man aboard a commercial airline flight from Amsterdam to Detroit who attempted to detonate an explosive and failed. Mudallad allegedly commenced his trip in Nigeria. As NewsBusters points out (link below), several other networks had already revealed Mudallad's name.

Click HERE for the exchange between Shepard Smith and Kay Bailey Hutchison on November 5th. Note Hutchison's reason for not wanting to divulge the name of Nidal Malik Hasan. She says she didn't know if his family had been notified.

NOTE TO KAY BAILEY - WHO CARES! Notifying the family before going public is for THE VICTIMS, not the murderer.

h/t to NB

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