Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Let's see, Phelim McAleer got a Stanford University professor to wig out by bringing up the East Anglia emails. He then was bullied by an out of shape and unshaven U.N. security guard. Later, as Allegory was arriving in Copenhagen, McAleer attempted to challenge him about misstatements Allegory made about how old the emails were and while he was doing this another U.N. security guard destroyed McAleer's microphone.

McAleer has done it again while in Copenhagen, exposing the hypocrisy of those in attendance. Simple yet brilliant. McAleer does his version of "man on the street" by asking people how they traveled to get to the conference. The responses are so very telling. Reactions varied but included blank stares, indignation, and condescension.

Bravo, Phelim!!!

Keep in mind that everyone McAleer posed that question to more than likely whole-heartedly endorses this ad.

The hypocrisy and self-loathing is just so palpable, isn't it?

Lord Monckton and Phelim McAleer are literally single-handedly (with the help of some very cold weather) turning this conference into the circus it should be.

h/t to HAP

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