Sunday, December 13, 2009


This video is a "must see". After Sarah Palin critic William Shatner mockingly reads from her new book, Going Rogue, with a merry band of musicians behind him, Palin makes a pseudo-surprise appearance and does likewise with Shatner's book. The most refreshing aspect of this skit is not the one-upmanship or the duel itself but the ability of both Palin and Shatner to trade light-hearted jibes without taking one another too seriously.

Helping to ease the pain of the jabs was, no doubt, the increase in book sales both experienced as a direct result of this skit.

At the end of the day, however, Sarah Palin gained political power in addition to book sales. Shatner just got the book sales.

Victory for Palin here. Fo Sho.

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