Thursday, December 3, 2009


Obama Science czar John Holdren has found himself in the middle of climategate. There are emails from him to other players in the saga - in particular Michael Mann - in which he is boasting about his efforts to discredit two solar scientists who were challenging Mann's "hockey stick" chart by pointing to the Medieval Warming Period (MWP). The MWP is generally considered to have been between the 9th and 14th centuries.

Considering the fact that Mann's chart covered the period between 1000 - 2000 A.D., the MWP was likely considered to be a period of "inconvenient truth". Otherwise, I don't know that Holdren would have been so concerned about discrediting them.

Here, Wisconsin Representative James Sensenbrenner (R) grills Holdren and rightfully so. While Sensenbrenner points to Holdren being wrong about the rise in sea levels in 2006 and the "hockey stick" chart, he neglected to mention Holdren's pathetically inaccurate predictions in the 1977 book of his titled, "Ecoscience". By the way, ZOMBIETIME did a thorough analysis of WackoScience a few months ago.

Before watching the video, check out the ACTUAL EMAIL Sensenbrenner is referring to when talking about correspondence between Holdren and Mann about the solar scientists, Soon and Baliunas.

Here's the exchange with Sensenbrenner.

h/t to GP

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