Wednesday, December 23, 2009


No one should really be shocked by this but in light of what ACORN has been caught enabling, it's still shocking. Representative John Conyers (D-MI) heading the Judiciary Committee should be shocking too. So should the fact that multiple ACORN offices across the United States were willing to help a pimp and a prostitute get housing assistance so they could open up a brothel that offered illegal alien children from El Salvador to its customers.

But alas, in addition to there being nothing wrong with that, the filmmakers who exposed it could be in violation of state laws and subject to prosecution.

According to POLITICO:
A Congressional Research Service report commissioned by the House Judiciary Committee says ACORN hasn’t violated any federal regulations the past five years.

The report, released by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers’s (D-Mich.) staff Tuesday evening, also reports that the undercover filmmakers that allegedly caught employees of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now breaking the law may have violated state law in their filming operation.
Conyers, whose district includes the northwest section of Detroit, would seemingly be better served by looking in the mirror. Detroit is an absolute disaster.

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