Thursday, December 3, 2009


This can't be true, can it? Was Mike Huckabee so smug as Arkansas Governor that he would so dismissively respond - through his attorney - to concerns from a prosecuting attorney about the number of clemencies violent criminals were receiving at the stroke of Huck's pen?

Based on these two letters - one sent to Huckabee by ROBERT HERZFELD, a prosecutor from the 22nd district of Arkansas on January 13th, 2004 and a response back to him by CORY COX, an attorney for Huckabee - the former Arkansas Governor may not only have to forget about running for president. He may need to worry about that television show he has. Here is what Huckabee's attorney wrote in response to Herzfeld's concerns about Huck's propensity for granting clemencies:
The governor read you(r) letter and laughed out loud.

He wanted me to respond to you. I wish you success as you cut down on your caffeine constuuption.
The arrogance of the letter from Cox to a lowly prosecutor is palpable. After Herzfeld expresses legitimate concern about the number of clemencies granted by Huckabee, he goes a step further and offers to be available for Huckabee to explain his case. Appearances and perception is everything here. Check out this excerpt from Herzfeld's letter to Huckabee: seems clear that you did not finish reading my December 29th letter. As I stated last month, if you have a case which merits clemency, I requested that you contact me with the reasons you believe clemency is appropriate for persons incarcerated and allow me to research the facts and then determine whether I would withdraw my objection.
Rather than the King of Arkansas humbling himself in front of a lowly prosecutor from one of the many districts in the state, one of the King's men scoffs at that prosecutor's concerns by laughing at him and intimating that his level of forthrightness with a governor is somehow chemically induced. Huckabee is beginning to look quite disgraceful.

h/t to ACE

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