Friday, January 29, 2010


When your nation's most notorious enemy agrees with you on anything, it should cause a moment of self-reflection, especially when that matter of agreement is centered around such a huge issue.

With the entire global warming / climate change movement already on its heals after the hundreds of emails from East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit were released, leading to what is now known as Climategate, Al Gore's obsession is dealt another severe body blow.

The AP reports:
Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has called for the world to boycott American goods and the U.S. dollar, blaming the United States and other industrialized countries for global warming, according to a new audiotape released Friday.

In the tape, broadcast in part on Al-Jazeera television, bin Laden warned of the dangers of climate change and says that the way to stop it is to bring "the wheels of the American economy" to a halt.
Global Warming / Climate change has been Allegory's #1 issue for quite some time. Gore's absence is conspicuous during one of the coldest winters on record. Perhaps he's hibernating. If so, bin Laden coming out in favor of his cause is likely to serve as the equivalent of another snow storm and six more weeks of winter.

If I could ask Allegory one question, it would be: Is it true that you and Osama bin Laden are in total agreement when it comes to your most important crusade?

THIS can't be good.

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