Monday, January 4, 2010


Last week, Ron Paul said that Islamic terrorists hate us because we are "occupiers". He is flat out WRONG about that and there are plenty of examples. The latest one is courtesy of a British Muslim leader Anjem Choudary, who has a racist history of denouncing anyone who is not Muslim. Here is a direct quote from Choudary in 2006.
When we say innocent people, we mean Muslims. As far as non-Muslims are concerned, they have not accepted Islam and as far as we're concerned, that is a crime against God.
Here is the video in which he said it - please watch because it is chock-full of examples illustrating that his concern is not with payback for occupation and war crimes. His goal is to see Islam rule the world.

His latest incendiary comments involve comparing British troops to Nazi soldiers. The arguments from Muslim leaders who claim western nations are committing war crimes / acts of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan, et. al are two things.

1.) Strategic in that they serve to fuel political correctness and thereby neutralize those western nations. This has proven very effective when one looks at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and the propaganda surrounding them - by our own media!
2.) Projection - accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of doing.

The DAILY MAIL reports on Choudary's threat to organize a Muslim march in a British town known for honoring its fallen soldiers.
The hate preacher organising a march of Islamic extremists through the streets of Wootton Bassett sparked outrage today by comparing British troops fighting in Afghanistan to Nazi stormtroopers.

As more than 190,000 people signed an internet petition objecting to the march, Anjem Choudary said he had chosen to protest in the town - renowned for honouring soldiers killed in Afghanistan - because it would attract 'maximum attention'.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said today the protest march would be 'completely inappropriate'.

But in remarks designed to cause maximum offence, Choudary compared fallen British heroes to Nazi stormtroopers and the September 11 and July 7 terrorists. He even claimed his plan was backed by families of servicemen and women.

Back on December 29th, MediaIte posted a video of Ron Paul, Ben Stein, and Sheila Jackson Lee debating the Underwear Bomber on Larry King Live. The video has since been pulled but the pertinent quotes are still transcribed THERE.

I also played the audio of the exchange during my January 3rd PROGRAM.

Until there is a massive paradigm shift in the west, racist / hate-filled preachers and leaders like Anjem Choudary will continue to neutralize attempts to fight those forces that seek the west's destruction.

h/t to FR

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