Tuesday, January 19, 2010


These people are really unmasking themselves but what's behind the mask is even worse than so many thought. First we had Lib-talker Ed Schultz claim that if he lived in Massachusetts, he'd vote "ten times". Now we learn, courtesy of the audio below, that Chris Matthews is openly advocating the use of "street money" to buy votes with the help of "street corner guys".

Making this even worse is who Matthews is talking to when he says these things. That would be MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd, a man who is supposed to be an objective reporter. A man who is part of the press and not a pundit like Matthews. Anyone with any sense at all has long known that both are liberals but this exchange reveals they are so disheartened by the prospect that Massachusetts may get a Republican senator that they're advocating voter fraud.


Audio courtesy of Sharp Elbows

h/t to GP

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