Saturday, January 16, 2010


There appears to be a trend developing with Democratic senate candidate in Massachusetts when it comes to looking the other way with respect to the law. Considering the fact that she is that state's Attorney General, the trend becomes even a bit more disturbing. In the most recent instance, Coakley attempted to feign ignorance regarding the White House thug, Michael Meehan's assault of Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack.

The problem was that this photo showed Coakley witnessing the assault. Now we have another example of her looking the other way, this time on immigration. Here is an audio clip of her on WGBH-Boston on November 17th, 2009. The money quote is:
As District Attorney, we always paid attention to the person and not their status.
So she admits that while she was a district attorney, she willingly ignored the law apparently because she disagreed with it.

So why did she ignore the law when she witnessed an assault earlier this week? Perhaps because she disagreed with the person who was assaulted. The corruption we are witnessing at the highest levels of government is beyond blatant.

h/t to H4A

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