Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This book, "Game Change" is not only unkind to Harry Reid and Bill Clinton in the arena of the racism debate but it is extremely unkind to that other Clinton - Hillary. There have been similar claims about her in the past but as Ben Smith at POLITICO points out, the one difference between then and now is the absence of a cadre of Clinton insiders always ready to defend them.

Most notable among them may be one of the most squirrelley Clinton weasels every, Howard Wolfson, who is quite out of character by demuring about the book's revelations:
“Haven't read the book,” wrote Howard Wolfson, once Clinton’s communications director and fiercest defender — with a specialty in killing unflattering books at birth — in an e-mail. “Working for Secretary Clinton was a privilege that I will always be grateful for.”
Oh, and go figure, the book also claims Hillary had an affinity for "f" word during the presidential campaign.

Read the whole THING.

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