Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There was the war on poverty, then the war on drugs, and now we have the war on terror. Oh wait, we don't call it that anymore. While I don't think we should call it that either, declaring the war "over" and identifying acts of terror as "man-caused disasters" is actually much worse. We have moved from declaring war on ghosts to declaring war on the wind.

Another thing it's time to end is identifying the refusal to identify the enemy as political correctness. That's simply a "politically correct" way of saying "cowardice". You see, when someone is constrained by something like political correctness, there's an inherent acceptance that it's something outside of their control. However, no one wants to be associated with something like cowardice, which always comes down to an individual choice.

Great editorial in the Jerusalem Post:
...if Americans are "weary" at this stage of the conflict, it is partly because their leaders - and media - have not properly framed the nature of the threat.

Neither former president George W. Bush, who spoke mostly of a "war on terror," nor President Barack Obama, who speaks in terms of "violent extremists" - and no European leader - has had the courage to say that the enemy is global jihad.
The authors go on to declare Obama the most "Churchillian" of the world leaders on this issue. If that's true, the west really is in trouble considering Obama was apparently so disgusted with Churchill that he sent the bust of the WWII hero displayed at the White House, BACK to Great Britain.


h/t to Barrackaid #7

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