Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The special senatorial election on January 19th continues to get interesting. The race is to fill the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy's passing. Until now, the SEIU-backed liberal Democrat Marth Coakley has been up by double digits in a race many thought was a foregone conclusion.

As of today, the conservative candidate, Scott Brown has closed that gap to single digits and, go figure, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), with Texas senator John Cornyn as the director, is finally starting to back Brown with some assertiveness.

The opponents are at opposite ends of the spectrum. As mentioned, Coakley is backed by the SEIU and will represent even more of the same in Washington, representing Massachusetts. Brown is not a RINO and while that may not please the likes of Linsdey Graham, David Frum, et. al. it is generating some inertia that may overtake Rinoism.

The NRSC certainly doesn't want to be given a black eye like the one received by Newt, Michael Steele, and the RINO establishment when Dede Scozzafava was thrown up as the Republican congressional candidate in NY 23 late last year. Had the Republican leadership been more in tune with what was going on there, perhaps they could have challenged the local leaders and Hoffman would have likely won big.

The NRSC may suffer a backlash if the Massachusetts race is close with Brown losing because they didn't get behind him sooner but it is now feeling the heat, which will almost certainly escalate between now and January 19th.

RASMUSSEN has more.

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