Friday, January 15, 2010


Democrat Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska was the last vote needed for Obamacare to pass in the Senate before Christmas. He caved not to his constituents but to Obama and Reid (one of the reasons I reject the notion that politicians' first priority is getting elected - obviously not the case with Nelson).

POLITICO is reporting that Nelson is being heckled at home while eating in public.
Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson and his wife were leaving dinner at a new pizza joint near their home in Omaha one night last week when a patron began complaining about Nelson’s decisive vote in favor of the Senate’s health care bill.

Other customers started booing. A woman yelled, “Get him the hell out of here!” And the Nelsons and their dining companions beat a hasty retreat.

“It was definitely a scene in there,” said Tom Lewis, a 41-year-old dentist and registered Republican who witnessed the incident. A second witness confirmed the incident to POLITICO.
Sounds mean, huh? At least they didn't shove Nelson to the ground.

Nelson obviously feared Obama and Reid more than he did those constituents. Maybe he thought the deal he got for Nebraska would appease both sides. If so, he has miscalculated, apparently.

h/t to HA

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