Monday, January 18, 2010


It seems that everywhere you look, the leadership in the United States seems most concerned about things other than our greatest threats. As we plummet toward unsustainable debt and deficits, spending more money via Obama's health care monstrosity is the focus. As the threat of Islamic terrorism continues to rise, the CIA is directed to focus on global warming.

Now this - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has decided to hone in on the unjust laws regarding homosexuality in Uganda. Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media has more:
The State Department may not be able to keep terrorists out of the United States, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has enough time on her hands to spend 45 minutes complaining to the President of Uganda about an effort in that country to toughen laws against homosexuality.

The President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, says that Clinton spoke to him for 45 minutes about the proposed legislation, which hasn't even been the subject of hearings by the parliament. Museveni, who rules over a conservative East African country that is 85 percent Christian, said that he told Clinton that the bill will be considered by the appropriate authorities and that he had heard that homosexuals come from Europe and recruit young people using money. He said that Mrs. Clinton agreed that such practices constituted sexual exploitation.
45 MINUTES?! If Hillary is interested in squashing rumors about her own sexual preferences, this doesn't help. However, that aspect of the story only warrants mention because of how blatantly out of phase her priorities appear to be here. In today's upside-down world, it would seem that a crusade to end homophobia in Uganda would be far down on the list of priorities for the Secretary of State. Then again, with Uganda being conservative and 85% Christian, maybe her crusade is more about her disdain for Christianity.

If Clinton's focus on Uganda is more about the latter then perhaps - as Kincaid points out - atheist and anti-conservative George Soros may be involved:
Mrs. Clinton's preoccupation with Uganda's opposition to homosexuality may have something to do with the fact that billionaire George Soros, a major financial backer of the Democratic Party and President Obama, has been funding efforts in Africa to promote the interests of "sexual minorities." Obama has embraced the "gay rights" agenda.
Shouldn't the duly elected government of Uganda be allowed to make its own laws? It sounds like the main thrust of the law in question may not even be about sexual preference but instead sexual exploitation. Museveni seems rightly concerned about homosexual Europeans entering his country and recruiting poverty-stricken Ugandan youths for the sex trade. Banning homosexuality in that country might just give authorities more leverage against that type of vermin.

Read the WHOLE THING as there are many layers to the story, including none other than Rick Warren coming down on the side of Hillary on the issue by urging Ugandan pastors to oppose the Bill.


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