Thursday, January 21, 2010


Some extremely good news when the majority of the news seems to be less so. Rifqa Bary, the 17 year-old girl from Columbus who converted to Christianity despite her Muslim parents' objections will be living in a foster home in Columbus until she turns 18, at which point she can do as she wishes.

The judge in the case, ruled that she does NOT have to be returned to her parents.

Fox News reported:
The agreement Tuesday says that 17-year-old Rifqa Bary will stay in a foster home under state custody in Columbus until she turns 18 in August. After that, she'll be an adult and free to live where she chooses.
This is very good news and because of how much media attention she has gotten, she may be safe, despite having to live in her home town. Then again, who really knows? If she is harmed between now and her next birthday, the system will have still failed because she should have been able to remain in Florida.

That said, this is definitely a victory for common sense.

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