Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Thanks to webmaster Mitch, who happens to be a marine who served in both Somalia, Kenya, Zaire, and Albania for sending this one in. Apparently, Spc. Marc A. Hall was somewhat less than enchanted at the prospect of being told that he would have to continue serving in the army as a consequence of the Stop/Loss policy, which allows the army to extend their length of service. Hall channeled his anger into a rap song and is now in jail according to the Military's WEBSITE:
Angry that the military planned to send him back to Iraq past his date to leave the military, a Soldier recorded a hip-hop song that blasts the Army and describes going on a shooting spree, an act that led his commanders to decide that the Soldier posed a threat to his unit.

The infantry Soldier, Spc. Marc A. Hall, has been jailed on criminal charges in Georgia, for the past month for a song and other statements that one of his lawyers insists were simply a form of protest.

"They're saying it's a threat. We're saying it's a fantasy," said Jim Klimaski, a Washington civilian attorney who has talked to Hall about the case. "He's mad, but he's not stupid. He's not violent."

Charges filed against Hall, of South Carolina, on Dec. 17, a week after he was jailed, say his threats weren't just confined to his rap recording. The charging document said he also told Soldiers he would "go on a rampage" and that he "was planning on shooting the brigade and battalion commanders."
If you'd like to hear the song, click HERE and it will play automatically when you go to that site. Not having served in the military, I thought webmaster Mitch's take on this story would be better to post here:
WOW … what an idiot. Comes from upbringing. Parents are probably idiots too.

Seriously, what happened to him (being extended beyond his EAS – “End of Active Service”) has been going on in the military since LONG BEFORE I was ever part of it. AND … joining the military during a time of war, what the hell did he expect? Stupid. Just f’n stupid.

He needs to be jailed for a LONG TIME for what he did. He needs to be made an example of and let the rest of the military know that there will be NO TOLERANCE of this kind of s***. And then go after Maj Hasan. No more of this pu$$yfooting around.

The real laugher is the civilian attorney acting like his client should be facing any charges at all. LOL, there is no Constitution governing the US Military. It’s ALL the UCMJ. And yes, verbal threats are DEFINITELY punishable under the UCMJ and that Art 134 reference as the “catch all” … phhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttt. There’s a reason for it, the US Military is held to a HIGHER standard than civilians. Period. Basically, if this idiot had not violated 3 or 4 other articles under the UCMJ … there most likely would have been no violation of Art 134.
Here is the ARTICLE.

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