Monday, January 18, 2010


h/t to Barrackaid #34 for sending this one in. I guess we can call this one East Anglia West. Meteorologist John Coleman at KUSI TV in San Diego is calling out the Allegory crowd, claiming slam dunk evidence of global warming fraud. When data manipulation at East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit (CRU) in Great Britain was revealed to have taken place, many wondered when the research centers here in the United States would have to face the music.

The two big entities that "skeptics" have had their eyes on are NASA's Goddard Science and Space Institute (GSSI), with a center at Columbia University and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which falls under the umbrella of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In this incredibly damning video, one of the allegations made is that beginning in 1989-90, the NCDC cut back from measuring temperatures in 6000 locations all over the world to about 1500. The even larger problem with that is that the colder locations are the ones that got removed from the data set so it wasn't even about reducing the sample size. It was about eliminating undesirable facts.

How does it feel to have your tax dollars going toward entities engaged in fraudulent practices in order to line the pockets of politicians?

Yet another example of something that should cause the American people to unplug themselves but hey, if the ACORN videos didn't do it......

Part 6 of 7 on YouTube (part four on KUSI website)

Part 7 of 7 on YouTube

HERE is a link to the KUSI page featuring the video, which has links to other blog posts on the subject.

HERE is a link to Coleman's page on the KUSI website.

Time to unplug, people. You're the victims of an international conspiracy - a provable one.

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