Thursday, January 28, 2010


In light of the bald-faced fraud global warming (climate change) has been exposed as being, I'm actually mildly surprised that Obama actually went here but with how blatantly obstinate and out of touch he's been so far, it's par for the course. He actually said, "I know there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change."

It was met with roaring laughter.

Going down the climate change path was a huge mistake for him. First, with the winter our country has experienced this year, putting those two words together during the SOTU made about as much sense as Al Gore doing an interview with Glenn Beck. Secondly, the mantra of the global warming advocates has been that the science is "settled". Obama acknowledges here that there is disagreement. Not good for his cause. His conceding that such disagreement exists wasn't just met with acceptance but laughter at the opposing view, an opposing view Obama shares.

Watch at the end of this clip for the infamous Obama smirk. It almost indicates he knows it's a fraud too.

h/t to Gateway Pundit

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