Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Should be obvious that not only is yours truly NOT advising Sarah Palin - if I was, I'd tell her not to stump for John McCain in the Arizona primary against J.D. Hayworth - but I'm clearly not advising McCain's opponent, Hayworth. If I was advising Hayworth, telling him to leave the Obama birth certificate issue alone would be at the top of the list. It's red meat for the DSCC and plays right into their hands.

It may be that Hayworth is simply trying to get media exposure but this isn't the way to do it. Obama is the master at mis-direction and birther-gate is a blind alley that leads to perpetual distraction. For the best arguments against pursuing the Birth certificate angle, visit Andrew Walden at Hawaii Free Press.

If Hayworth was smart, he'd tackle McCain on two fronts.

1.) Immigration. America's sheriff Joe Arpaio has already expressed support for Hayworth and all the signs point to him and McCain having a respectful but adversarial relationship. Hayworth should exploit this as much as physically possible. It might even end serve to neutralize the Palin effect.

2.) McCain didn't see the signs about Obama while average, every day Americans did well before the election. We can't afford to have someone who can't see a freight train coming at the country head-on. McCain didn't see it and Hayworth should be calling him on it.

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h/t to Hot Air

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