Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Warning: Queasiness factor is very high. On election night 2006, Nancy Pelosi assured Americans that as the first female Speaker of the House, Democrats would lead America out of the wilderness. Little did the lemmings listening to her know that her posse would take America toward that cliff just outside the wilderness.

Quotes of Note:
"Tonight is a great victory for the American people."
"The American people voted for civility and bi-partisanship in Washington, D.C."
"The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington, D.C. and the Democrats Intend to Lead the most honest, most open, and (withhold laughter) ethical congress in history."

There's more so watch if your stomach can handle it.

As if watching her spew this garbage wasn't enough, have a look at Schumer nodding in agreement behind her while occasionally conferring with Harry Reid.

Like I said, queasiness factor is very high.

h/t to HAP

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